Friday, 26/4/2024 | 10:59 UTC+0
  • A Guide to Cannabinoids, Terpenes and Flavonoids

    By now, as you explore the many CBD products available at the various retailers’ stores, you may have probably come across a few terminologies associated with cannabidiol that you’re not entirely familiar with. These terms are essential for your knowledge of the vast CBD products as they can help you make the right purchase suitable for your needs.

    Words such as ‘Cannabinoids,’ ‘Flavonoids’ and ‘Terpenes’ may have crossed your path as you peruse the many attractive CBD products available for you and thus it is essential to find out more about them and their purpose as explained in detail at

    About Cannabinoids

    There are many chemical compounds contained in cannabis that constitute the different characteristics or qualities of the plant with the most essential of them being cannabinoids.

    Cannabinoids are, therefore, the chemicals which give the marijuana plant its medicinal and pleasurable properties when extracted for use. THC and …

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