Saturday, 18/5/2024 | 9:29 UTC+0
  • Can Root Canal Save Every Tooth?

    Having a root canal treatment is usually the only option anytime there is a serious infection in the pulp of a tooth. An infection usually happens when a tooth is chipped or cracked leaving the pulp exposed. Root canals are a highly successful option for saving the tooth and most patients are satisfied with the outcome. However there are some cases where a root canal doesn’t provide a  permanent answer to the underlying problem. It comes down to the reason for the patient’s visit to the Endodontists office that can influence the outcome of whether the root canal provides a long term solution. The following is a list of conditions that make saving the tooth with a root canal challenging.

    1. Teeth with long or unusually curved roots that spread, for instance the Endodontist uses specialized equipment that are designed for normal roots. Patients with these long or unusually curved roots

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