Saturday, 4/5/2024 | 10:08 UTC+0

3 Reasons To Start Vaping Organic E-Liquids

As we can see all around us, there are numerous ex-smokers and current vapors that decided to quit the past bad habit. However, they have entered into the unknown space where everything was completely new and with perfectly marketed benefits.

After a while, notable experts got out in public with statements that e-cigarettes and regular juices have many chemicals that could also create health issues among users. It is clear that vaping is much healthier than inhaling smoke; however, using the unregulated e-liquids can cause severe problems.

That is why most people decided to find an alternative to harmful liquids in organic vape juice, which is the perfect solution for everyone who wants to quit smoking. But why should you choose it over other types:

  1. It Doesn’t Have Additives

The main problems that happened with regular juices were the diacetyl and acetyl propionyl. It is the worst thing that could happen to someone who has the allergy on it. In addition, you wouldn’t even know. At first, factories used it for butter flavoring in popcorn production plants. However, that caused issues that were severe such as severe lung diseases.

As we can see, the presence of this chemical is enough to cause harmful effects, and that is why people decided to try the organic alternative.

  1. You Won’t Find Propylene Glycol

Yes, we are still talking about chemistry, and you are probably wondering: why we didn’t put it in the above heading. The reason for that is because PG is much more serious, and it demands a unique paragraph.

It is the petroleum derivate, and manufacturers use it as the base for most liquids. It is also the main carrier for flavor, which is why it is essential to stop using them. There are numerous negative reactions and side effects that could happen as the allergic reaction.

You can start developing symptoms that are addictive, and you will have another problem on the back. The main symptoms are a sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, sinus irrigation, fatigue, diarrhea and many more. That is why you should always purchase liquids that have transparent ingredients so that you can check what you will inhale afterward.

For more information on PR, click here.

  1. Completely Natural

The idea is to find the juice that has no artificial sweeteners and flavoring, but only organic and plant-based extracts. As you can see from everything that we have mentioned above, chemicals and additives have numerous side effects that could cause health issues and regulations.

On the other hand, you should always check for the USDA regulation certificate and the sticker that says: GMO-free. The idea is to choose the completely natural and verified product because that will reduce the hassle of quitting the nasty habit you developed.

As we all know, tobacco apart from the addictive nicotine, it contains thousands of different chemicals, pesticides, weed killers, regulators that are not for human use especially through inhalation.

It still questions why people do it when numerous carcinogens are completely visible. You have to look at the hardcore smoker, and you will understand what we are trying to say.

If you want to find more about chemicals in cigarettes visit this website:


You don’t have to go cold turkey and live through horrors of tobacco withdrawals. On the other hand, the solution is not to use the other thing that may cause severe problems. However, how to determine what is healthy and what is not?

The idea is to follow different reviews and to inform you on the cause. As we can see, e-cigarettes have too many unregulated companies and products that could create havoc in your body. That is why you should be wise while choosing the right juice.
