Friday, 19/4/2024 | 3:13 UTC+0
  • Dealing With A Spouse That Has Cancer

    Although the exact cause of many types of cancers remains unknown, it is known that cancer develops due to a genetic alteration that allows these cells to grow independently and uncontrollably. Cellular mutations are believed to occur regularly but the immune system normally captures and destroys abnormal cells. Therefore, the growth of cancer may be caused by a deficiency of the immune system.

    When battling cancer, it is important for you to share your feelings openly and honestly. No one expects you to be filled with butterflies and roses at all times. Sharing your feelings is a great way for you to get out any anger or sadness you have, and to keep from allowing depression to overtake you at the same time.

    When battling cancer it is important for you to try to find humor somewhere. Many people fall into depression while they are battling cancer and do not …

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