Friday, 19/4/2024 | 10:35 UTC+0
  • Scanning To Get Results

    A diagnostic radiology image is one that allows your doctor to see the details inside your body that can’t be seen with other tests that are performed. When you go to a diagnostic radiology Middletown facility, you’ll usually be asked about the scan that you’re going to have done and if you have any health issues that might interfere with the scan. There usually isn’t anything to do to prepare for the scan unless your doctor asks that you not eat anything for a certain period of time before the scan or asks that you take medications that will make certain details appear better when the scan is performed.

    Some of the common types of radiology scans that are performed include an MRI, a CT scan, an X-ray, and an ultrasound. Each type of scan will deliver different results depending on the area of the body that your doctor needs …

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