Did you find it hard to get out of bed today? Do you feel tired and sluggish? There’s a chance you aren’t getting enough exercise and taking care of your fitness needs. Getting fit gives you more energy and makes you think clearer in addition to all the physical benefits it provides. Here are a few ways to put fitness first so you feel better.
Marathons used to be for serious runners only, but now they have become a popular goal for casual runners as well. Many people nowadays come to a point in their lives where they feel they want the challenge of finishing a marathon. Luckily there are many good training programs now, to help casual runners prepare for more the 26.2 mile trek.
To get the most benefit out of your strength training, incorporate stretches into your routine. At least one scientific study suggests that if you pause after training your muscles and spend 20-30 seconds stretching out whatever muscle (or set of muscles) it is you’ve been working, this will increase your strength.
When working out in the sun or heat, be sure to stay well hydrated. Dehydration can occur during any workout or during long stints in the sun or heat, so exercising in the sun greatly increases the risk. Drink several glasses of water in the hours before your workout and enough during your work out to stay hydrated.
A good way to make sure you routinely do as much as you can to get fit is to take a friend to the gym with you. When you take friends to workout with you they not only make sure you don’t slack on going to the gym, but they help motivate you when you’re there as well. Working out together also relieves the stress and anxiety of going to the gym alone.
A good tip that may help you get fit is to eat cottage cheese or milk before bed. Cottage cheese and milk, along with a few other foods, contain casein protein, which actually promotes lean body mass when eaten before bed. There are also protein powders that contain casein protein.
Short, frequent bouts of exercise, such as a few minutes during commercial breaks are an effective way to make sure you’re getting a sufficient amount. Work out when there is a commercial break. Another option would be to work with small weights while simply sitting in your chair. There is no shortage of ways to get a bit more exercise in during the day.
Keep your goals short and simple as you start on a new fitness program. You can easily overwhelm yourself if, after a lifetime of being a couch potato, you decide you should be able to run 10 miles at full speed on the treadmill. At the beginnin, keep your goals simple. Start out with just a walk for a few minutes every other day. Work up to longer and more frequent walks as you progress.
Fitness is about more than big muscles. It’s about getting healthy and setting a healthy example. The more fit you are, the better you feel and the stronger you are. Follow these tips and get fitter and you’ll know these things to be true. A fit body feels better and that’s the truth.