Wednesday, 8/5/2024 | 11:47 UTC+0
  • Mimosa Hostilis Tea

    Mimosa Tenuiflora has been used for thousands of years by ancient cultures from all of the world. During the age of the Ming Dynasty in ancient China (1368 to 1644) Mimosa bark was commonly referred to as “Collective Happiness Bark” being used to treat soldier’s who returned from war with extreme trauma.  On the other side of the world the Mayans also discovered the amazing healing properties of this Soul Herb using it to elevate spiritual awareness. Throughout the twentieth century the healing properties of this Sacred Herb were mostly unknown to people in the west but in in the last 10 years with more tourists going to South America to experience Ayahuasca and the traditions of ancient tribes Mimosa Root Bark Tea is beginning to be recognized in the USA.

    While this Soul Herb is used to bring about spiritual progression by physically cleaning the heart and liver while …

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